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A BIND request is used in protocols that require the client to accept inbound connection from the application server. For instance, FTP uses a client-to-server outbound connection for command and a server-to-client inbound connection for transferring data.

After a CONNECT request has been granted, the client can send a BIND request to prepare for inbound connections from the application server. The client will usually listen to calls from the application on a new socket, and use the existing primary connection created with CONNECT to inform the application server about its new socket's IP address and PORT number.

SOCKS5 Bind Request

The following BIND request should be encapsulated according to the authentication method with the following format:

  1     1    `0x00`    1     Variable      2


  1. VER: 0x05 SOCKS protocol version number
  2. CMD: Command code 0x02 for BIND request
  4. ATYP: Destination address type
  5. DST.ADDR: Destination address
  6. DST.PORT: Destination port
SOCKS4 Bind Request

The client includes the IP address and the port number of the destination host, and a userid, in the following format:

| VER | CD | DSTPORT |      DSTIP        | USERID       |NULL|
   1     1      2              4           variable       1


  1. VER: SOCKS protocol version number (1 byte)
  2. CD: Command code 2 for BIND request
  3. DSTIP: Destination port number (2 bytes)
  4. DSTIP: Destination IPv4 address (4 bytes)
  5. USERID: A RFC 1413 user id
  6. NULL: The \0 character
Domain names

In SOCKS Protocol Version 4A, a BIND request can also include the application server domain name instead of relying on its IP address. In that case, DSTIP should consist of three NULL bytes and a non-zero value.

The corresponding IP address in DSTIP (0.0.0.x) becomes inadmissible and the application domain name should be attached after the NULL byte, with its own NULL byte.

| VER | CD | DSTPORT |       DSTIP       | USERID       |NULL|  DOMAIN      |NULL|
|     |    |         |NULL|NULL|NULL|[^0]|              |    |              |    |
   1     1      2              4           variable       1    variable       1

This is useful when the client cannot resolve the destination host's domain name to find its IP address. When DSTIP represents an invalid IP address, the server should resolve the domain name before proxying the requests.

Bind Reply

A reply packet is sent to the client to inform about the connection status. Two replies are sent from the SOCKS server to the client when:

  1. The server creates and binds a new socket
  2. The incoming connection succeeds or fails
SOCKS5 Bind Reply
  1     1    `0x00`    1     Variable      2


  1. VER: SOCKS Protocol Version: 0x05
  2. REP: Reply field
  3. RSV: RESERVED (0x00)
  4. ATYP: Address type
  5. BND.ADDR: Server bound address
  6. BND.PORT: Server bound port

The code REP might have one of the following values:

  1. 0x00: succeeded
  2. 0x01: general SOCKS server failure
  3. 0x02: connection not allowed by ruleset
  4. 0x03: Network unreachable
  5. 0x04: Host unreachable
  6. 0x05: Connection refused
  7. 0x06: TTL expired
  8. 0x07: Command not supported
  9. 0x08: Address type not supported
  10. 0x09 to 0xFF unassigned

When a reply from the SOCKS server indicates a failure, the SOCKS server MUST terminate the TCP connection immediately after sending the reply.

If the reply code to a BIND request indicates a success (REP is 0x00), the client may now start passing data.

After the first BIND reply, the client can use BND.ADDR and BND.PORT to notify the application server of the rendezvous address through the primary connection. In the second BIND reply, the BND.PORT and BND.ADDR fields contain the address and port number of the connecting host.

SOCKS4 Bind Reply
| VER | REP | DSTPORT |       DSTIP       |
   1     1      2               4


  1. VER: Version of the reply code (always 0)
  2. REP: The response code
  3. DSTPORT: Server bound port
  4. DSTIP: Server bound address

As with CONNECT, the response code REP might have one of the following values.

  1. 90: request granted
  2. 91: request rejected or failed
  3. 92: request rejected because SOCKS server cannot connect to identd on the client
  4. 93: request rejected because the client program and identd report different user-ids

If the request failed, the SOCKS server closes its connection immediately after notifying the client with codes 91, 92, or 93.

When the request is successful, the server obtains its own socket to wait for incoming connections from the application server. The information about this socket is sent to the client through DSTPORT and DSTIP so that the client can use it in communications with the application server. When the DSTIP is INADDR_ANY = 0, the client should replace it with the IP address of the SOCKS server.

When the connection from the application server is established, the SOCKS server sends a second response to the client. If the host that connected to the SOCKS server does not match the application host specified in the BIND request, the CD field is set to 91, and both connections are closed.

If the host matches the application server, the SOCKS server starts to relay traffic on both connections. Thus, the client can now perform I/O operations on the same connection as if it were directly connected to the application server.

For the BIND operation, the server sets a time limit of 2 minutes for the establishment of its connection with the application server. If the connection is still not established when the time limit expires, the server closes its connection to the client and gives up.
